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Inspired by the hit Netflix series, VPLS has put together a vlog of our own to help your business tidy up your server room. In our version of Tidying Up, instead of decluttering homes, we are decluttering servers. Additionally, as opposed to Marie Kondo being your knowledgeable guide, we have VPLS’ own Vice President of Network Engineering, Taka Masuda, walking you through his organizing process, cleverly named as the MasTaka technique, to help “spark joy” in your server room. Taka has been an engineer for VPLS for almost 13 years and has perfected his art of keeping servers organized. In our vlog, Tidying Up with Taka Masuda, watch how Taka tidies up the server room in order to have your business ready to switch over to the cloud.
To learn more about how VPLS’s professional services can help keep your business organized, contact us today!
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