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Cyber Security HabitsIt’s never too late to start new cyber security habits so why not start now

Let’s begin Part Two of our series where we’ll be exploring the ways you can keep your passwords safe and secured.

Ah, yes, passwords. Something we all use daily, but don’t think twice about securing, even though we should. Here are a few practicalities you should consider when it comes to creating and resetting your password.

Protect Your Passwords!

It’s human nature to want to store our passwords somewhere convenient for easy accessibility, i.e. it’s written on a post-it or on your notes application, but it is easy to see why this is a big no-no; we are making it way too easy for us to be targeted.

Instead, put your passwords in a secure place such as LastPass or Password1. This way, all your passwords will be securely stored in one place. This will also relieve you of the task of remembering every single password to every one of your accounts.

Don’t Reuse Passwords!

Resist the temptation to using the same password for all your accounts. Don’t use passwords that you use for your business accounts or your personal accounts and don’t use passwords you use for your personal accounts for your business accounts. Just don’t reuse passwords in general. Trust us, you’re just setting yourself up for trouble!

It Shouldn’t Be So Simple!

Don’t make your passwords simple. Your passwords should not be ‘password’ or ‘123456’ or something else that is obvious. Use a combination of numbers, symbols and capital letters in your passwords.

Use a Two-Factor Authentication!

When possible, use two-factor authentication. This provides an extra layer of security when logging into an account.

Often with two-factor authentication, it will require the user to receive a one-time password via text message or email, in order to verify the correct user of the account.

Secure It!

A fool-proof way to ensure none of your passwords will be stolen by hackers is by installing proper cyber security systems on your digital devices. Make sure you are also updating your cybersecurity systems often to be one step ahead of the game.

Check out Part Three of this series, which includes tips on how to improve your smartphone cyber security habits!

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