Windows 2003 No Longer Supported

After July 14, 2015, Microsoft will no longer support and issue updates for any version of Windows Server 2003. In order to protect your infrastructure you will need to make a migration strategy and update your server to the most recent version.  Windows 2003 servers will no longer get security updates, such as the 37 critical updates. There will be no safe haven, and the physical and virtual environment will be vulnerable to security threats. Windows 2003/R2 servers will not pass a compliance audit. Lack of PCI compliance would result in Visa and MasterCard no longer doing business with the organization. The time to move on is now. Waiting is both expensive and risky. The Windows Server 2012 will give you virtualization of computing, storage and networking alone with enterprise-class scalability and increased performance. Let VPLS open up a new world of IT; take advantage of this opportunity and begin your migration today.

Contact us by clicking the following link or, call us at 1(866) 616-9099.

  • From July 14th – Windows will not be providing any type of security updates
  • No Updates – There will be no more security fixes or updates of any kind, and vulnerabilities could be exploited.
  • How much would a compromised server cost your customer?
  • No Compliance – Windows 2003/R2 servers will not pass a compliance audit
  • Lack of PCI compliance could mean that Visa and MasterCard will no longer do business with an organization
  • No Safe Haven – Impact on both physical and virtualized servers
  • Discontinued support for many applications
  • Impact on Microsoft Small Business Server 2003
  • Increased operations costs

Get Windows Server 2003 migration advice from the Gartner report

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